What endures? Clearly things that have been around for a while will tend to go on persisting, from Broadway musicals to timeless virtues. Economist Will Witheridge and I talk about how important principles are, why they appeal and why they’re making a comeback, from author Ryan Holiday’s commitment to stoicism to Jordan Peterson’s philosophy of self-help. This show is split in two so please tune in next week for Part II.
Show highlights
- The universalism of Catcher in the Rye – losing innocence and maturing in the world
- Good packaging (i.e. good writing or a creative format) helps to make enduring principles more accessible
- The Lindy Effect – a Broadway show that has been playing for a certain length of time is likely to still be playing for the same length of time again
- Cover songs and new riffs on old tunes
- A deficit in meaning is, unsurprisingly, driving a search for meaning
Resources/People/Articles Mentioned in the Podcast
- JD Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye
- Jim Collins’ Built To Last
- Stephen Covey’s 7 Principles of Highly Effective People
- Ryan Holiday’s Stillness Is The Key
- Former Australian prime minister Robert Menzies’ Afternoon Light
- The ABC’s Richard Fidler interviewing Jordan Peterson
- Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton musical
Image source: Joan Marcus